Sunday, April 10, 2011


 It's funny that the ones you've been expecting to help you would turn out not helping you at all and the unexpected people will.

Last month, I've trodden a very bumpy, dark and cold world. I thought I couldn't make it this time. I wondered why this was happening to me all over again. How did I ever deserve these challenges in life again? I called thousands for help but nothing came. That's true.

I almost gave  up... but suddenly god sent angels on my way. People whom I know not my closest. But people who turned out to be the true friends. They are not even endowed with money and fame like the people Ive cried for help... but, they tried their best... give their best... just to help me. Little things... big ways... and, I thank all of those bits and pieces you've taken time to shower on my path.

May God give me a chance someday to pay you back. Now I really believe that true friends are sometimes could not be found in the people you are very closed with. They are not even be found to your closest kins... True friends are not even measured to the people whom you've known for years. TRUE FRIENDS COULD BE SEEN TO PEOPLE WHO WILL HELP NO MATTER WHAT REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU ARE TO THEM.

To all the unexpected people in my life: thank you so much! May God bless you more. You all deserve the blessings that will come your way!

1 comment:

  1. This world is a temporary cave for all and every life.
    We are all fellow travelers. Some will give their hands to lift us up and some will have no time. They are just rushing towards the goal of unknown.
    Have faith in the Self and God. There is Infinite above us to lift us up! Remove the deadliest enimy called FEAR from the MIND.
